
news & views

by dal mcintire

Big news this time was the success and atmosphere of our recent Midwinter Institute (unlike anything seen in over 5 years of meetings in L.A.) and initiation of our Educational Program. More about this elsewhere.

..Speaking of new spirit in L.A., the local Mattachine Newsletter has blossomed forth into a beautiful and informative monthly.......Mattachinites have challenged my report of their declining membership (I didn't make it up got it from their publication, INTERIM); they say membership is now up a bit in Frisco..... To readers who ask why the difference between MATTACHINE and ONE, I can say, whatever tiffs there may have been in past, relations have never been more cordial than now..... ....'Nother reader complains we use some of same stories covered in REVIEW. This is inevitable. Both need to cover news for their own readers (many don't see both mags) in their own way, just as 2 papers in same town must deal with same news. If ONE & REVIEW, not published in consultation, duplicate one another a bit, forgive us, & consider readers who don't see both. We'll try to keep our approach individual........Judge Stanley Barnes, chief member of panel-of-three judging ONE's stillpending Post Office case, now under fire from Congress because of alleged stock deals while he was in antitrust division of Dept. of Justice. L.A. Postmaster Otto K, Olesen, our antagonistin case, in recent pow-wow with House Subcommittee & local U.S. Atty., Laughlin Waters (prematurely getting credit while back for banning ONE from mails also famed for the intrepid Finn twins' attempt to "citizens' arrest" him) to discuss means of stemming local flow of indecent literature. In their spare time, they also touched on need for


better postal service in this booming area.....Recently announced: CORY BOOK SERVICE reactivated as WINSTON BOOK SERVICE, 250 Fulton Ave., Hempstead, Long Island, New York, after year's lapse following death of previous owner (not writer of Cory books).


Citing recent Guarro case (in which US Court of Appeals disapproved action by vice officers enticing men to indecent approach) Judge Milton Kronheim squashed charge against Army Lieutenant because vicecop Louis Foschett (also reprimanded in Guarro and other cases) had looked at his victim "in a manner that amounted to a flirtation"

Judge Thomas Troland of Hartford, Conn., Superior Court, urged special & serious consideration of sex offender cases. Said he could not recall a criminal session so heavy with such cases, especially those involving molesting of small children. Mentioning a conference on sentencing sponsored by N. Y. U. School of Law, he said thought is crystallizing on such matters, & authorities are favoring the 1-day-to-life indeterminate sentence, and establishment of special institutions, rather than dumping sex deviates into prison. "Throwing the book at these people" doesn't help. Emphasis, he feels, should be on rape and molestation cases, and judges should avoid sentences that are out of proportion to the offense.... New Hampshire youth convicted of sodomy in York County Superior Court in Maine, said he'd spent 8 weeks in jail, over $1000 in costs, had had bad publicity in both states, would like a chance now for a new start instead got two year prison sentence.....Chicago Army Staff Sgt.